Bootstrap course in chandigarh

Bootstrap course in Chandigarh !! – Bootstrap is a framework to help you design websites faster and easier. It includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, models, image carousels, etc. It also gives you support for JavaScript plugins.

Three types of form Layout in bootstrap

  • Vertical form 
    This is the default Bootstrap form layout in which the fields align vertically to its parent. Let us create a simple log-in registration form using a vertical form layout.
  • Horizontal form
    A horizontal form is different from the Vertical form’s layout both in the amount of mark-up and in the presentation of the form. In this form, layout labels float to the left of the input field. Both Label and Input field appear on the same line. Rules for a horizontal form in addition to the default rules
  • Inline form
    Inline form layout can be used to place the form controls side-by-side in a compact layout. In an online form, all of the elements are in-line, left-aligned, and the labels are alongside. For this, you need to add .form-inline class to <form> element.

Best Academy for Bootstrap training

Edcloud is an ISO(9001:2015) Certified Professional training Academy in Zirakpur, near Chandigarh, Punjab. It provides you the best training in web development. Learn HTML,CSS,Bootstrap,Media query from IT experts . Get 100% Practical classes and also grab the opportunity to work with the experts on live projects. Enroll now and become a professional web developer.