Omicron Virus

Omicron Virus

Omicron Virus is the latest version of SARS-COV-2 and is reported to have a”high risk” variant that has taken the world by storm. The World Health Organization (WHO) warned that, based on early evidence, the global risk of omicron variants is “very high”, saying that the mutated coronavirus may cause a surge with “serious consequences.” The United Nations health agency’s assessment is contained in a technical document sent to member states. It is the strongest and clearest warning from WHO to the new version discovered for the first time by South African researchers so far.

Can you call it Omicron Virus?

There is no such thing as this virus . The virus is still Covid-19. It is just another variant or mutant of the Covid-19 virus.

Although many people on social media and even news media platforms refer to this new variant as “omicron virus”,  B.1.1.529 is a Covid-19 virus strain, SARS-COV-2 virus or Covid-19.

Currently, several African countries are facing travel bans in as many as 12 countries, and many people have criticized travel restrictions without conclusive evidence about the new Covid-19 variant. Since 2019, the economies of these countries have been hit hard by the covid-19 pandemic. On Monday, South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa condemned travel restrictions and said it would further impair the ability of affected countries to recover from the pandemic.


It is not clear whether this virus is more infectious than other variants including Delta (for example, it is more easily spread from person to person). In South Africa affected by this mutation, the number of people who have tested positive has increased, but epidemiological studies are ongoing to understand whether this is due to it or other factors.

Severity of disease:

It isn’t yet certain if contamination with Omicron causes more extreme illness contrasted with diseases with different variations, including Delta. Starter information proposes that there are expanding paces of hospitalization in South Africa, yet this might be because of expanding generally quantities of individuals becoming tainted, rather than a consequence of explicit contamination with the disease .

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